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Table 4 Sufficient causal paths: model solutions for 1st-level conditions and missed care (n.cut = 15)

From: Missing nurses cause missed care: is that it? Non-trivial configurations of reasons associated with missed care in Austrian hospitals – a qualitative comparative analysis

  1. ID: variable short name
  2. SolT: solution type; i: intermediate solution; c: conservative solution; p: parsimonious solution
  3. Conditions: Demand: high demand for patient care; Labor: poor allocation of labor resources; Material: poor allocation of material resources; RelComm: difficulties in relationships and communication
  4. Logical operators: AND: "*" (i.e., logical conjunction between conditions); OR: “ + ” (i.e., logical disjunction between conditions); NOT: “ ~ ” (i.e., logical conjunction between conditions)
  5. Solutions: sufficient condition; : negated sufficient condition ( ~). : condition sufficient as both present and negated condition in different single solutions of the model
  6. Goodness-of-fit: inclS: consistency score for sufficiency; PRI: proportional reduction in inconsistency; covS: coverage score for sufficiency; both more restrictive (in black [inclS > 0.8, PRI > 0.75, covS > 0.75]) and less restrictive results (in gray) are shown; symbols in gray carry the same meaning as symbols in black but do so for a model that did not fulfil goodness-of-fit thresholds
  7. aOnly conservative solutions were generated