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Table 1 The STAR path of interview guide

From: Disaster literacy in disaster emergency response: a national qualitative study among nurses

Interview path

Interview outline


What kind of situation did you find yourself in?

What caused or contributed to the situation?

Who were the individuals and organizations involved in this matter?

What kind of role did you play?


What were the most important tasks you had to complete in that situation?

What was the objective that had to be met?


What were your true feelings and thoughts in that situation?

What steps were you willing to take?

What did exactly you do and say?

Why did you think and act that way?

What did you think of the other people who were present? (particularly emotional, firsthand knowledge of events, and emotional feelings)


What was the outcome?

What was your experience and how did you feel afterward?

What was the most important factor in your success, in your opinion?