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Table 1 The description of the MBI sessions

From: Effectiveness of mindfulness-based interventions on burnout and self-compassion among critical care nurses caring for patients with COVID-19: a quasi-experimental study





Home Practice

Week 1

Introduction to mindfulness

- Understanding the physiology of stress

- Introduction to mindfulness and compassion-oriented practices (e.g. sitting, walking and breathing meditation)

- Theoretical principles & scientific evidence

- Possible advantages for CCNs

- Raisin exercise

- Sitting meditation with focus on the breath

- Sitting meditation with focus on the breath

- Routine activity

- Eat one meal mindfully

Week 2

Attention to breathing

- Review home practices from previous session

- Breath awareness meditation

- Knowing attention anchoring

- Knowing internal anchoring: breathing

- Practice mindful breathing

- Encourage nurses to observe their breath and thoughts without judgement

- Mindful breathing

Week 3

Attention to the body

- Body perception

- Effect of body posture upon sensations

- Mindful awareness of breath, body sensations and movements: eating, walk

- Enhance awareness to thoughts and feelings associated with food by practicing mindful eating

- Body scan meditation, where they scan their body from head to toe and release tension with each breath

- Practice awareness to body sensation: pay attention to sensations in the body

Mindful eating:

- Raisin exercise

- Tasting fruits

Week 4

Attention to thoughts

- Review home practices from previous session

- Curiosity, acceptance, and non-judgmental attitude

- Introduce mindful hearing: listen to music

- Discussion: what made us each have different responses to the same piece of music?

- Practice mindful breathing

- Practice mindful breathing

Week 5

Self-care and compassion

- Introduction to self-compassion

- Compassion and loving kindness

- Dispelling misgivings about self-compassion

- Motivating self with compassion instead of criticism

- Loving-kindness meditation focused on self, where they prioritize providing positive energy to themselves and other people

- loving-kindness meditation

- Body scan meditation

- 3 min breathing space

Week 6

Mindful Movement

- Conscious movement, breathing observation and body tone

- Conscious movement

- Observation of body tone and breathing during movement

- 10 movement with full attention

- Mindful movement practice

Week 7

Mindfulness in Daily Life

- Introduction to mindfulness in daily life

- Mindful eating & walking exercise

- Eat one meal mindfully

Week 8

Mindfulness Communication

- Discussion: personal experiences in the past 6 weeks; ways to continue to cultivate mindful awareness in daily lives

- Introduction to mindful communication

- Reflection and conclusion of the MBSR program

- Mindful listening exercise