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Table 1 The guide for semi-structured interviews

From: Patients’ experiences of using a mobile application-based rehabilitation programme after total hip or knee arthroplasty: a qualitative descriptive study


Questions and probes


What is your experience of using the mobile app-based rehabilitation programme?

Probe: What features or aspects of the programme do you like/dislike? Could you please tell me the reason for your decision?


How do you feel that the mobile app-based rehabilitation programme supports your rehabilitation exercises?

Probe: Did the programme change your behaviour related to rehabilitation exercises? Could you please provide any detailed explanations or examples?


Apart from rehabilitation exercises, are there any other benefits that you experienced during the use of this programme?

Probe: Did this programme affect you in other ways during your recovery?


Have you seen any problems, weaknesses, or disadvantages of the mobile app-based rehabilitation programme?

Probe: Was it easy to use? Did you have any difficulty using the programme?


Are you willing to recommend this programme to your relatives, friends, or neighbours? Why?


What suggestions do you have for future improvement of the mobile app-based rehabilitation programme?

Probe: How can the programme be improved further so that it would be more useful to you and other patients with the same surgery?