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Table 1 Interview question schedule for phase two

From: Learning experiences of first year graduate entry nursing students in New Zealand and Australia: a qualitative case study

Interview Schedule for Phase Two

1) Thinking back to your original motivations for enrolling in this GEN programme, tell me how studying nursing has aligned with these so far

2) Tell me what mechanisms for success you have encountered during this GEN programme of study, and what specifically has facilitated your progress last year

3) Tell me about any resources that have supported your wellbeing

4) Thinking reflectively about personal and professional growth, tell me how this GEN programme has helped you develop personally and professionally over the last 12 months

5) Looking ahead, tell me what your expectations are for the coming year in terms of study, resources you require to facilitate graduation and career opportunities?

6) Thinking about the COVID-19 pandemic and the affect it has had on you personally and as a nursing student, tell me specifically about the effects of the pandemic on your experiences—what has supported you and what has not