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Table 1 Coping enhancement counseling for enhanced supportive care

From: Enhanced supportive care for advanced cancer patients: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial






∙ Introduction about the coping enhancement counseling

∙ Share patient experience: Change after cancer diagnosis and major emotions experienced


Current coping strategies in dealing with major emotions

∙ Check for changes in major emotions and reasons for change

∙ Current coping strategies in dealing with major emotions and its effectiveness

∙ Metaphor: Water jar with sand

∙ Mindfulness exercise

∙ Homework


Finding life values

∙ Check for changes in major emotions and reasons for change

∙ Current coping strategies in dealing with major emotions and its effectiveness

∙ Finding life values

∙ Mindfulness exercise

∙ Homework


Commitment toward life values

∙ Check for changes in major emotions and reasons for change

∙ Current coping strategies in dealing with major emotions and its effectiveness

∙ Commitment toward life values

∙ Metaphor: Passengers on the bus

∙ Metaphor: Chinese finger trap

∙ Homework


Moving out from mind and going back to life

∙ Check for changes in major emotions and reasons for change

∙ Current coping strategies in dealing with major emotions and its effectiveness

∙ Review of previous sessions

∙ Identify differences before and after the coping enhancement counseling participation

∙ Utilize currently working coping strategies

∙ Accept emotions and thoughts and committing toward life values

∙ Mindful exercise

∙ Farewell