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Table 1 Factors and items in the Clinical Supervision Evaluation Questionnaire (CSEQ) (Horton et al., 2008)

From: Evaluating reflective practice groups in a mental health context: Swedish translation and psychometric evaluation of the clinical supervision evaluation questionnaire




1. The purpose of Clinical Supervision (CS) is to improve client care


2. The purpose of CS is to enable clinicians to feel confident in their own practice


3. I am clear about what I want to get out of CS


4. I feel safe sharing clinical issues in supervision sessions


5. There are well-established ground rules in my group


6. I believe that any confidences I share are respected


7. There is mutual trust between the members in my group


8. I feel confident about bringing issues to CS


9. Being part of a CS group is helping to develop my self-awareness


10. I have gained new clinical insights through supervision


11. Clinical supervision has made me more aware of areas of skill I need to improve


12. Clinical supervision has definitely had a positive impact on the quality of care I provide


13. Clinical supervision has helped me cope with any stresses at work I may have


14. Clinical supervision has helped me feel more confident about dealing with my job